Before I had a lathe I made a bunch of wooden mugs for people out of a variety of materials using staves. It actually worked out pretty well. Titebond 3 to glue all the staves together and a mineral oil + beeswax paste worked wonders. The mugs did impart a slight taste to whatever you were drinking which worked great for beers and such but less good for other beverages.
The process for making them was fairly simple. I would usually cut 10 staves at 72 or 18 degrees (depending on how your saw is setup). There is a good calculator at I didn’t use this when I started and eyeballed the dimensions for the staves but would calculate the correct angle for cutting. This resulted in some funny mugs before I found a good thickness and width for the staves. Once I had cut 10 staves of matching size I would glue them up using painters tape and then secure them in place with ring clamps.
Once the glue had dried I would remove all the clamps and tape and then route a rabbet in the bottom and fit a bottom to the mug. I would also route a roundover on the top and then attach a handle. I cut the handles out on the band saw and finished their shape with a router and Dremel.
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